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DataLife Engine v.7.3 Final (Full English) 

DataLife Engine v.7.3 Final (Full English)

DataLife Engine v.7.3 Final (Full English)

Have been developed and implemented the following changes:

1. Now fully automatic support to the script parked domains. For example your primary domain is who prescribed in your script, you park in this domain, new domain, now with the arrival of the domain all links that exist on the page and lead to will be automatically replaced by

2. Added the ability to automatically quoting reports in the correspondence personal communications, when, as editor WYSIWYG editor is used.

3. Optimized queries and improve performance module view of recent comments on the databases of a large number of registered users on the site.

4. Release date for the current version version of the library Highslide.

5. Updated WYSIWYG editor to the current version. This version fixes some bugs in the editor.

6. The course registration update login to check the filter banned logins when checking availability login via AJAX.

7. Also in the registration module added preliminary examination by JavaScript correctness fill forms the user prior to sending data to the server.

8. Added RSS feeds to keep track of all the news a certain author. Link to the RSS feed is as follows:имя user / rss.xml - when the NPC,имя user -- disconnected NC.
9. In view template user profile (userinfo.tpl) inserted Tags [rss] tekt [/ rss] who publish the link in your profile at all news flux RSS user. Also, when you view a profile for Web browsers automatically formed meta tags to the RSS feed.

10. Added new Flash player for playback. Flv files. Unlike the older player, the new update also support H.264 codec, respectively, this player also lets you play. Mp4,. M4v,. M4a files. Also for the player, you can create an image predosmotra first frame, or any other picture. To do this, use the tag for the publication of the video [video=,%20regular%20visitors%20to%20the%20site.13.%20In%20setting%20the%20script%20added%20the%20opportunity%20to%20permit%20or%20ban%20on%20adding%20keywords%20to%20tag%20clouds,%20when%20you%20add%20news%20from%20the%20site.%2014.%20Changes%20in%20the%20withdrawal%20of%20the%20news%20by%20keyword%20cloud%20tags.%20Now,%20output%20is%20limited%20to%20news,%20with%20a%20full%20match%20with%20key%20words,%20not%20all%20news%20of%20a%20similar%20occurrence.%2015.%20Changed%20principle%20sort%20of%20news%20you%20browse%20all%20the%20latest%20news%20on%20the%20site.%20News%20sorted%20by%20date,%20regardless%20of%20whether%20that%20is%20installed%20in%20your%20script.%2016.%20Complicated%20algorithm%20for%20the%20formation%20of%20Air%20Safety%20(CAPTHA),%20thereby%20significantly%20hampered%20by%20recognizing%20pictures%20spambotami.%2017.%20Added%20full%20support%20for%20browser%20Google%20Chrome%20JavaScript'om%20used%20in%20DLE.%2018.%20In%20styles%20added%20full%20support%20for%20browser%20IE8.%2019.%20Changed%20the%20principle%20of%20withdrawal%20to%20the%20page%20module%20Archive%20site.%20"%20Thus%20quality%20of%20the%20unit%20over%20time%20becomes%20too%20long,%20now%20shown,%20not%20all%20the%20months%20immediately,%20but%20only%20the%20last%206%20months,%20the%20rest%20are%20displayed%20by%20clicking%20"View%20the%20entire%20archive."%2020.%20MySQL%20processed%20requests%20for%20user%20authentication%20on%20the%20site,%20which%20was%20reduced%20load%20on%20the%20MySQL%20server.%2021.%20In%20the%20interview%20template%20(poll.tpl)%20news%20added%20to%20the%20following%20tags:%20[voted] text [/ voted] to display text in the tags if the user has already voted in the poll, also added tags [not-voted] text [/ not-voted] that display text in the tags if you have not voted in the poll. Thereby increasing the withdrawal of different information to the polls in the news depending on the situation. For example, you can hide the voting buttons after you voted for example, or to withdraw the recommendations and requests if you have not voted.

22. Changes in view of personal messages on the site, if there is no personal communications are notified, rather than an empty list of messages as before.

23. In the filter of words added to detect the type of search and replacement of the word, you can choose whether to search for any occurrence of the phrase, or replacement only if matches only the word entirely. In this way, a filter can be successfully applied to both Bans unwanted or obscene words, and for automatic substitution of the right words or only for certain words.

24. In setting the script in the section added to optimize the opportunity to enable or disable a record of news on the site. In doing so, in the case disable this feature script will use the abbreviated queries to the database, thus reducing the load on the database.

25. In the AJAX technology has been added to the enhanced support of various local character sets, all data is transmitted in UTF-8, and then automatically translated into all known coding.

26. Added support for new tag in the news [spoiler] text [/ spoiler], which hides specified in the tag text and displays it when you click on it. This tag can be used in two ways: [spoiler = Title] text [/ spoiler] displays own headline to click on which will be shown hidden text, as well as possible to use an abbreviated version of [spoiler] text [/ spoiler] in this case will be standard the title "Show / Hide text." To set the style of this tag is used cl(Censored Word):. Title_spoiler - headline spoylera,. Text_spoiler - text spoylera.

27. The presence of the tag (bbcode) template addcomments.tpl is no longer a mandatory condition, you can remove the cover BB code from a template and it will not cause JS error.

28. Slightly modified box BB codes, all the codes inserted in a single click, are inserted at the same time as opening or closing tags, which should improve the speed of writing the text.

29. Added mass upload images and files on a server. You can select all the files you want to upload to a server, the whole procedure takes one click. The process of downloading files dynamically displayed on a page without a reboot. We want to immediately warn you that downloading images of their treatment (decrease, watermarks, etc.) are all resource processes, so if you expect that paying for hosting 1 dollar a month, you can simultaneously download hundreds of files, it is deceptive , The number of files that can simultaneously handle your server is limited and impinges on the power of your server or your plan on hosting.

30. In setting the script added the possibility of setting limits on the maximum size of downloadable file to the server.

31. In setting the script added the possibility to limit the maximum number of files that the user can select and upload to a server in the mass loading.

32. A bug in which to map the site Google-generated link to the rules of the site using the URL address of the internal variables script.

33. A bug in which the use of additional fields of news like "List" values with an apostrophe, these values dropped when writing news.

34. Fixed problem with displaying pop-up notifications of new personal message, the IE browser using opredennyh type layout template without declaring DOCTYPE document.

35. Fixed all the previously declared and small mistakes in the script.
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  24 December 2008,  |  aceh-online
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