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Download TuneUp Utilities 2009 v8.0.1100.43 - Full Version 

TuneUp Utilities 2009 merupakan software yang dapat membuat sistem operasi Windows Anda lebih cepat, lebih nyaman dan lebih aman hanya dengan hanya beberapa kali klik mouse. Dan semua operasi yang dilakukan pada sistem operasi yang sepenuhnya aman, karena semua perubahan yang dipantau oleh TuneUp Rescue Center dan dapat dibatalkan kapan saja. Semua TuneUp Utilitas modul dapat diakses melalui interface umum yang dibagi menjadi enam kategori.

Perangkat lunak ini membantu baik pemula dan ahli untuk membuat Windows memenuhi kebutuhan mereka dengan cara yang lebih baik, lebih mudah dan aman. Semua pilihan penting sistem tersebut dijelaskan dalam cara yang mudah dan dapat diaktifkan atau tidak aktif di klik dari mouse anda. TuneUp Utilities 2009 akan membuat perubahan yang diperlukan dalam registri atau file boot secara otomatis. Kami menempatkan nilai tinggi pada stabilitas sistem, sehingga Windows tidak akan berhenti bekerja terpercaya. Dan sebagian besar perubahan yang dibuat dapat dibatalkan dalam TuneUp Rescue Center - dengan mudah dan aman.
  8 March 2009 | Author: aceh-online | Comments (0)

Software anti Porno 

You don't let your kids read just anything, do you? Well, when they surf the Internet, which have not any filter, they can see whatever emerges from it, unless you're there to assign Anti-Porn to company with them as the net filtering software.

Anti-Porn - A comprehensive net filter software to protect children from porn web content.

Anti-Porn will filter out adult web sites, which show objects not fit for children, and will even filter out chats when predatory and offensive language is used.

Anti-Porn can auto filter out ten thousands of porn web sites and you can also easily add in the web sites which you don't want children to see.

Besides, Anti-Porn filters out internet material by blocking some predatory word, and you can predefine special words, then, children can not see any internet material with those words.
  8 March 2009 | Author: aceh-online | Comments (1)


Apple's iTunes is the 800-pound gorilla in the music and video jukebox world. The industry standard for more than five years, it has remained the trend-setter because of its connection to Apple's iPods and iPhone. This latest version sports one major new feature and several smaller ones.

In addition to the left sidebar, which was cleaned up in version 7, there's now an optional sidebar on the right. Called the Genius Bar, if you have an iTunes Store account it will offer up song and album recommendations for purchase. The Genius Bar, however, is only a derivative of the Genius Playlist, and that's the real biggie of version 8. To activate the playlist, hit the atomic symbol on the bottom right of the iTunes window while you're playing a song. The Genius algorithm will then create a playlist from the music already existing in your collection, made up of songs that it thinks have some connection to the first track. Since it's not limited solely by genre or other criteria, it can come up with some interesting choices.
  30 January 2009 | Author: aceh-online | Comments (0)

DivX for Windows with DivX Player 7.0 

From DivX:

DivX for Windows includes the DivX Codec, the DivX Player, the DivX Web Player and the Stage6 Content Uploader Utility. The DivX Player plays all AVI and .divx files that contain DivX video and MP3 audio including rented and purchased DivX content. The DivX Codec extends DivX playback support to all popular media players. This package supports English, French, German and Japanese languages.
  30 January 2009 | Author: aceh-online | Comments (1)


Translator XP Enterprise adalah software penerjemah kalimat dua arah dari bahasa Indonesia ke bahasa Inggris dan sebaliknya.

Translator XP diprogram untuk melakukan penerjemahan kalimat secara analisis kata per kata dengan mencoba mendekati kaidah aturan bahasa yang sebenarnya. Translator XP akan mengecek hubungan jenis kata antara kata-kata yang berdekatan. Karena itu pada setiap databasenya, setiap kata selalu diakhiri dengan tanda (b), (k), (v), (t), (g) atau (s) yang sebenarnya menjelaskan jenis kata yang bersangkutan (kata benda, kata keterangan, kata kerja, kata penunjuk, kata ganti atau kata sifat).

  29 December 2008 | Author: aceh-online | Comments (1)

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