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Jebol Komputer, Cracker Paksa Gadis Beradegan Mesum 

Para predator seks tiada henti membuat ulah dengan bantuan internet. Belum lama ini misalnya, aparat di Amerika Serikat membekuk seorang kontraktor militer yang melakukan aksi pembobolan komputer milik para gadis incarannya di negeri paman Sam maupun di beberapa bagian dunia.

Dikutip detikINET dari PressAssociation, Rabu (18/4/2009), sang cracker gemar memaksa para gadis untuk mengiriminya adegan yang tidak senonoh. Jika permintaan tersebut tidak dipenuhi, tersangka mengancam akan menyebarluaskan informasi personal di komputer korban yang telah diraupnya.
  19 March 2009 | Author: aceh-online | Comments (0)

Lenovo ThinkPad SL400, Laptop Teknologi GPS Pertama 

Pada umumnya Lenovo seri ThinkPad dijual dengan harga yang cukup murah seharga $600, namun tidak dengan Lenovo SL400 ini yang dibandrol dengan harga $1223. Spesifikasi utama processor ThinkPad SL400 ini yakni Intel Core2 Duo 2.26-GHz P8400 CPU, RAM 2GB dan kartu grafis nVidia GeForce 256MB 9300M GPU. Lenovo merilis ThinkPad SL400 ini sebelum Nvidia meluncurkan kartu GeForce 9400M, yang pertama kali diaplikasikan di MacBook Apple.
  19 March 2009 | Author: aceh-online | Comments (0)

BitDefender Total Security 2008 Build 11.0.13 

BitDefender Total Security 2008 - the Ultimate Proactive Protection for Your PCs
BitDefender®, a global provider of award-winning antivirus software and data security solutions, has launched BitDefender 2008 – its new line of security solutions providing state-of-the-art proactive protection from today’s most damaging viruses, spyware, hackers, spam, phishing attacks, and other common Internet security threats.

The BitDefender 2008 product line, which includes BitDefender Antivirus 2008, Internet Security 2008 and Total Security 2008, is designed to protect a wide variety of computer usage scenarios ranging from individual PC users and multi-PC families to SoHo businesses.
  17 March 2009 | Author: aceh-online | Comments (0)

Adobe Photoshop Express- Free Web Based Photoshop  

Adobe has launched an online version of its popular software Photoshop. The online version is named Photoshop Express and is a free service. Photoshop Express allows users to store up to 2GB of images, make edits to their photos, and share them, all online. This tool may not have all the features of Photoshop, but it has basic features needed to edit photos.

Another good feature of this tool is that you can reverse the changes made to the photos just like Photoshop. You can use any of the 17 editing tools to modify your images.
  17 March 2009 | Author: aceh-online | Comments (0)

How to dual boot Vista with Ubuntu  

There are two ways to run several operating systems on your computer. You can run them with virtualization inside one another, or you can install them alongside each other and boot each individually, this is the easiest method for most users.

You don’t even have to create a dual boot system with Linux, in this case, Ubuntu. It can be installed by itself without Vista or any other operating installed first. Most users purchasing a new computer will find Vista installed so this is the route I will take for this tutorial.
  17 March 2009 | Author: aceh-online | Comments (0)

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