Ahtisaari suggests foreign observers to monitor election in Aceh

Former Finnish President Martti Ahtisaari has suggested the Nangroe Aceh Darussalam administration to deploy foreign observers to ensure legislative election run smoothly in the province, kompas.com reports.
During the closing of international conference on Aceh conflicts and its solutions Tuesday, Ahtisaari said that the monitoring step was important to prevent the province from any kinds of conflicts during the election.


“I have expected that the election can run smoothly in the province amidst the great number of local political parties taking part in the legislative and presidential elections,” he said.

Besides, he said, the province needed to form committee on truth and reconciliation (KRR) and sad hoc court as stipulated in the memorandum of understanding between the government and the Aceh rebels signed in Helsinki in 2005.

“I ask for the commitments from all parties to implement the MOU and guard peace condition in the region,” he said.

Ahtisaari came to Aceh as part of the four-day visit to the country that ended up today. (ewd)

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