Jue Tolak Gelaran Artis Simbol Seks

Tolak Gelaran Artis Simbol Seks

Ramai peminat tahu Jue digosipkan dengan Shawal AF5, kemudian dia mengaku intim dengan aktor Hans Isaac

TIADA angin, tiada ribut, tiba-tiba telinga penulis ‘dihujani’ dengan maklumat terbaru, khabarnya pelakon seksi, Jue Aziz bermain cinta dengan Hans Isaac yang baru-baru ini dinobatkan sebagai Pengarah Harapan dan Lakon Layar Terbaik pada Festival Filem Malaysia ke-21 (FFM21), sekali gus menenggelamkan gosipnya bersama bintang Akademi Fantasia 5 (AF5), Mohd Shawal Ruslan.

Sebelum ini desas-desus mengatakan dia dengan Shawal adalah pasangan bercinta kerana mereka pernah dilihat kerap keluar makan bersama.

Akademi Fantasia 7 – Konsert Akhir

No detailed review from me coz I didn’t watch the final concert from the beginning. Heavy rain last Satudray and our area was blackout since 6pm. The electricity restored at 10.30pm and I only managed to watch Hafiz, Akim, Yazid and Isma’s performances [2nd songs]. When it was Aril’s turn, it blackout again 15 minutes later it restored again but Aril has finished perform.

But overall, the final concert was quite boring. If I compared them with OIAM3, OIAM3 was far better. I didn’t enjoy their songs at all. It was like they are just novice in organising a concert. I just wanted it to be ended and get on with the results.

American Idol 8 – Top 3 Elimination

Over 88 millions votes came in and only 1 million separate the top 2! That’s was Ryan opening tonight. Then they showed us the top 3 Idols’ homecoming. Out of the three, I like Adam’s homecoming because he took some time to meet all the young children at Metropolitan Educational Theater. That was so sweet of Adam.

Jordin Sparks performed and I thought I heard her singing flat. Who agree with me? And what was that Katy Perry wearing? A wonder woman? Yikes! The only thing I like was her robe which written Adam Lambert’s name at the back LoL.

American Idol 8 – Top 3 Performance

How I wish the American Idol season 8 is not going to end soon. I want more and more especially from Adam Lambert He never failed. Not even one concert. He would always surprise us with his superb performances.

They went home last week. And during that, they received text messages from their judges on what song they had picked for them.

Dance Little Sister – picked by Paula
You Are So Beautiful – chosen by himself

I loved both performances especially his second song. His soulful vocals was just amazing.

AF7 – Konsert Kesembilan dan Tugasan Konsert Akhir

How I wish last Saturday was the final concert. I could easily pick the champion. Hafiz did a tremendous performance especially his ‘I Believe I Can Fly‘ number. To tell you the truth, I never like the song. But when Hafiz sang it I was suddenly liking it Akim’s ‘I’m Yours‘ also commendable. These two are the real champions!

They did the AFmasuk anyway despite the objections of many people. And we don’t have to make a guess who got the ‘passport’ to the final. It was all planned way ahead. And I already heard that the favourite student is not happy with his new song. Of course he didn’t like it coz he knows what people out there wants. Well, he had the two weeks advantage outside and he knows how Tomok won the OIAM competition. He is definitely want to re-arrange his song similar to what Tomok had done. Let’s see what happen next.

AFMasuk, anyone?

Selepas menonton ulangan American Idol pada pukul 8 malam semalam, saya tukar channel ke 104. Pada ketika itu, saya sempat dengar Sarimah cakap “sila beri komen anda samada perlu atau tidak diadakan AFMasuk?” What??!! Sudah-sudahlah tu. Yang sudah keluar, biarkan dia keluar. Tidak perlu dimasukkan lagi. Mungkin ada hikmah di sebalik penyingkiran si Aril tu [pelajar kegemaran anak principal, katanya].

Kata nak transformasi. Apa kes AFMasuk lagi? AFMasuk sudah tidak relevan. Orang sudah bosan dan meluat. Menghabiskan duit orang saja.


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Setiap orang adalah unik. Setiap orang ada kelebihan dan kekekurangannya yang tertentu. Tidak ada manusia yang sempurna kecuali Rasululluh s.a.w kerana baginda telah ditentukan maksum. Selebihnya tidak terkecuali daripada sifat lemah, buruk, hina, sakit dan bermacam-macam perkara lagi.

Anda tidak perlu berasa susah hati lantaran gemuk, tidak menarik, terlalu rendah malah cacat. Biar bagaimana keadaan anda, anda tetap unik dan tanpa anda alam ini tidak sempurna.

Memang ALLAH menjadikan manusia pelbagai rupa dan gaya. Disitulah berkuasanya ALLAH. Dia berhak dan mampu berbuat apa saja mengikut kehendak-Nya. Kita memang tidak ada pilihan untuk mempersoal itu ini, mempertikai itu ini.

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