Film Review of Cloverfield (2008)

By Paul Mccarthy

Cloverfield, similar to the Blair Witch Project, is presented as ‘found footage’ that has been shot through the video camera of a teenager in New York City. I have to admit that despite my initial reservations, and the nausea that set in five minutes into the film due to the earthquake-like camera work, I was really impressed.

One of the many things that I gained from watching this film was a fair sized portion of perspective, something many folk could do with in modern day society. Teenagers at a party worrying about their appearance, the red spot on their nose and not getting the sexual gratification they desire one moment. Soon thereafter they are fighting for their lives.

Digital Imaging – Removal of Objects and Enhancing Scratched Photos

Okay, here goes for the second stage of digital imaging, and we’re going to look at how best to remove unwanted objects and enhance badly scratched older photos. Again, I’ll be using Adobe Photoshop software, but other image editing software will no doubt have similar tools and features. The key to bear in mind when removing objects or bad scratches is the surrounding area … is it a solid colour? Is there a texture? Or, does it have gradient shading? Master removing objects and scratches from each of these surrounding areas to look like they were never there in the first place and you’re on a winner! Let’s get going with our first image.

Travel to Indonesia – A Country of Thousands of Beautiful and Exotic Islands

By Martin Kleis

Indonesia, a Country of thousands of beautiful and exotic Islands, that spark off your imagination with thoughts of fine sandy beaches, huge temple complexes, great diving and the giant dragons of
Komodo. The islands of Indonesia are spread over a vast expanse of ocean and technically speaking is divided by two Continents.

By Martin Kleis

Indonesia, a Country of thousands of beautiful and exotic Islands, that spark off your imagination with thoughts of fine sandy beaches, huge temple complexes, great diving and the giant dragons of
Komodo. The islands of Indonesia are spread over a vast expanse of ocean and technically speaking is divided by two Continents.

Training For Technology Jobs – IT Training

By E.S. Cromwell

Unless you’re extremely well-versed or have many years of experience working a specific Information Technology job then it’s likely you will be required to gain certification before any professional IT track is officially started. Without certification these days you can, no doubt, get a job in the IT world, but it’ll be just that – a job. If you want more such as an IT position with attached professionalism that can lead you toward a career you must possess some type of certification (even multiple ones).

By E.S. Cromwell

Online Data Backup – Essential For Your Business

By James Redder

Online data back up is a necessity for your business. Business continuity and disaster recovery depends on a reliable data backup and restoration process. The backups should include the capability of backing up related computer drive data and associated database data. Statistics would demonstrate that having both of these types of data backups will usually provide the best overall data coverage. An online back up service provider is a viable solution and finding the right one can be a challenge. Through this article we assist you making this all-important choice of identifying the right online data backup vendor for your business.

Ahmadiyah, Kelompok Pengekor Nabi Palsu

Apa itu Ahmadiyah?

Ahmadiyah adalah gerakan yang lahir pada tahun 1900 M, yang dibentuk oleh pemerintah kolonial Inggris di India. Didirikan untuk menjauhkan kaum muslimin dari agama Islam dan dari kewajiban jihad dengan gambaran/bentuk khusus, sehingga tidak lagi melakukan perlawanan terhadap penjajahan dengan nama Islam. Gerakan ini dibangun oleh Mirza Ghulam Ahmad al-Qadiyani. Corong gerakan ini adalah “majalah al-Adyan” yang diterbitkan dengan bahasa Inggris.

Apa itu Ahmadiyah?

Ahmadiyah adalah gerakan yang lahir pada tahun 1900 M, yang dibentuk oleh pemerintah kolonial Inggris di India. Didirikan untuk menjauhkan kaum muslimin dari agama Islam dan dari kewajiban jihad dengan gambaran/bentuk khusus, sehingga tidak lagi melakukan perlawanan terhadap penjajahan dengan nama Islam. Gerakan ini dibangun oleh Mirza Ghulam Ahmad al-Qadiyani. Corong gerakan ini adalah “majalah al-Adyan” yang diterbitkan dengan bahasa Inggris.
Siapa Mirza Ghulam Ahmad?


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By N2H


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Melakukan seks dengan istri atau suami Anda secara rutin ternyata banyak untungnya lho, enggak percaya? Lihat deh keuntungan melakukan hubungan seks yang sudah dibuktikan oleh berbagai macam penelitian ini!


1. Seks meredam stres
Ya, melakukan seks memang dapat meredakan stres Anda. Penelitian di Skotlandia yang dimuat jurnal Biological Psychology membuktikannya. Riset ini mempelajari 24 wanita dan 22 pria yang aktif secara seksual dan diberikan tekanan stres pada situasi tertentu. Dari studi terungkap bahwa pada pasangan yang melakukan hubungan seks sebelumnya menunjukkan respons tubuh yang lebih baik dalam mengatasi stres dibanding mereka yang tak melakukan seks sebelum menghadapi stres.

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