News from December 2008

How To Change Your Template

It’s actually quite simple to change your template in blogger. Here’s how to do it step by step!
1) Before you begin you need to install the Firefox web browser. (Internet explorer doesn’t read my coding right and causes errors for installation)
2) Now using Firefox as your browser go to your Blogger Account dashboard and click [...]

Tips : Cara Terbaik Melakukan Download ISO openSUSE

openSUSE 11.1 tanggal 18 Desember 2008 ini akan dirilis. Bagaimana cara terbaik melakukan download file iso selain membelinya di toko online ?
Biasanya, cara manual yang dilakukan adalah sebagai berikut :
Mencari daftar mirror terdekat dari sekian banyak mirror
Testing mirror tersebut satu persatu, apakah terlalu lambat, tidak update atau jangan-jangan statusnya tewas dengan sentosa [...]

How To Turn Off Autoplay for Program CDs or any drives

•Click Start, click Run, type GPEDIT.MSC to open Group Policy in the Microsoft Management Console.
•Double-click Computer Configuration, double-click Administrative templates, double-click System, and then click Turn off autoplay.
•The instructions on your screen describe how to configure this setting. Click Properties to display the setting dialog.
•Click Enabled, and choose CD-ROM drives or Any drives, then click [...]

Auto Login

Go to Start/Run, and type ‘control userpasswords2′.
•From Users Tab, Uncheck “Users must enter ….”
•A dialog will allow setting a user and password to be used automatically.

What is this thumbs.db file?

I’m sure everyone using Windows XP has seen a small file in some directories called thumbs.db. This file is a cache of the thumbnail pictures in a directory. It speeds up the showing of thumbnails when you are viewing a folder in Thumbnail view.

The only drawback of the thumbs.db file is that it takes up [...]

Difference - HTML and XHTML

When inserting codes into the Blogger template, page element, or blog post, you may have seen error messages that the code could not be parsed, was not well-formed, was broken, or that the elements were not closed properly. These errors can be corrected if you understand the rules that must be adhered to in XHTML [...]

Chat Box, Shout Box and Google Talk

The chat box you see on the left sidebar is one of the many FREE interactive tools you can get for your blogs. Call them what you like – tagboard, message board, chat box, chatter box, message box, shout box – they have one thing in common i.e., promoting interaction by allowing your visitors to [...]

Flash Music Player and Music Playlists

We talked about how music can be played in the background of the blog or through a hyperlink or music console player. Readers had requested for an option to play more than one song via a playlist. We have been looking at cross-browser music players that allow us to display a music playlist of selected [...]

Language Translation Flags and Script

This tutorial explains how you can add a script to allow readers to view your English site in other foreign languages. As you can see on the right of this page, a reader needs only to click the relevant country flag to read this site contents in his preferred language.
English is not the most popular [...]

Customize Video Upload in Blogger

We wrote an article some time back suggesting how you can Add Video to Blogs. We highlighted two popular video hosts – Google Video and YouTube. Just yesterday (Aug 24, 2007) Blogger released its new Video Upload feature from its Blogger in Draft. There is now an icon in your Post Editor allowing you to [...]

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Live Niche Affiliate Marketing Workshop

NO, you are not seeing double!
But you are seeing a post that has every chance of making 2009 your best year ever! Mark your calendar for January 30 to February 2nd and plan to be part of the Live Niche Affiliate Marketing Workshop!

My friend and partner David Perdew organizes a workshop where you can learn [...]


Video Camera Guide For Bloggers


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