Page added on January 10, 2009

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Get Personal With Your Commenters – Boost Your Subscribers (Video Guide)

Best way to boost your blog popularity is by converting your visitors into readers. Nothing can beat loyalty of repeat visitors because they actually like what you have to say. But how do you accomplish such a difficult task?

Many people don’t necessary arrive to your blog on your front page and might have landed on page that interested them but wasn’t the best example of your work. How do you draw people deeper into your blog and present them with your best work. Well, if they commented – you have an excellent option!


I want to present to you a [tag-tec]WordPress plugin[/tag-tec] I have found to be incredibly useful on my own blog and I will actually show you step-by-step how to install and configure it. Plugin called Comments Relish and it will email each First Time commenter with your personal message – there is your chance to draw the person in. Watch the video for details.

Relevant resources:

  • Comments Relish plugin download page
  • One Click Install plugin download page

Update: Unfortunately original plugin has a resource utilization issues and can cause problems on shared hosting. But fear not. Here is a link to a blog post where all those issues have been addressed and plugin works quite nicely.

NOTE: If your blog sends email to every comment made by a persona on your blog you need to take a look at database and determine if cr_emailed table was created. It supposed to do it during activation but failed to work for me. Here is SQL code you can use to create a table (special thanks to Patchlog for pointing it out):

[mysql]CREATE TABLE wp_cr_emailed (

emailed_ID mediumint(9) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,

time bigint(11) DEFAULT ‘0′ NOT NULL,

email varchar(255) NOT NULL,

UNIQUE KEY emailed_ID (emailed_ID),

INDEX ( email )


To prove you're a person (not a spam script), type the security text shown in the picture. Click here to regenerate some new text.


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Live Niche Affiliate Marketing Workshop

NO, you are not seeing double!
But you are seeing a post that has every chance of making 2009 your best year ever! Mark your calendar for January 30 to February 2nd and plan to be part of the Live Niche Affiliate Marketing Workshop!

My friend and partner David Perdew organizes a workshop where you can learn [...]


Video Camera Guide For Bloggers


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