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Archive for the ‘None Degree’ Category

[Southeast Asia] Research Fellowship Programme for Young Muslim Scholars

Posted by Aceh-Online On January - 7 - 2009

The Asian Muslim Action Network (AMAN) is pleased to announce the sixth round of the research fellowship program, Islam in Southeast Asia: View from within.

The fellowship grants will be awarded for innovative research on issues concerning economic, socio-political and cultural changes taking place in the diverse Muslim communities of Southeast Asia, especially as they relate to modernization and globalization. Themes

Popular Islam

“Popular Islam” focuses on encouraging researchers to examine ways in which Islamic beliefs and practices reach all believers and are reflected through various means of religious. communication such as studying Khutbah in local mosques, reading Islamic booklets, and/ or listening to Muslim radio programs. The question of how Islam can shape and influence, while at the same time is being shaped by, the lives of ordinary Southeast Asian Muslims in various local contexts is just one aspect of this topic that could be analyzed.

Globalization and Identity Politics

Muslim communities in Southeast Asia are not immune from globalization processes. New forms of economic and political integration on a world scale and the accelerated flows of goods, people and information across the globe all create new opportunities and challenges for Muslims in the region. The interaction of global and regional forces with local processes has been perceived both as a threat to Muslim identities and as beneficial to the development of a new transnational Islam. This research theme seeks to explore how Muslim identities in Southeast Asia are formed and shaped by regional and globalizing forces.

Islam and Changing Gender Realities

Rapidly evolving social, cultural and economic processes are leading to unprecedented changes in the societal roles of men and women. Muslim communities in Southeast Asia are being confronted with a diversity of values and lifestyles expressing multiple definitions of gender roles and relationships not always in line with dominant values. This research area encourages researchers to examine how gender roles in both the public and private sphere are changing for Muslims in Southeast Asia and relate those changes to current theological and political debates.

Islam Values, Economic Activities and Social Responsibilities

Studies in this area should examine how Islamic values and institutions can provide alternative economic options to those perceived as condradictory to Qur`anic principles such as riba. Area of focus could include identifying how Islamic economic values work in a modern business environment, analysis of indigenous entrepreneurial models that have been or can be utilized for local level empowerment and/ or studies of the lives of entrepreneurs and the ways Islamic values shape and are re-shaped by their economic activities and social responsibilities.

Eligibility Candidates must be nationals of Southeast Asian countries, hold at least a Bachelor degree and should not be over 40 years of age. Candidates may work in different sectors including academia, media, and non-governmental organizations. Candidate must be highly motivated to deepen their understanding of Islam in the region. Women are strongly encouraged to apply. Fellowship Value The fellowship consists of an average research grant of $5,000 to cover all research costs for a maximum period of six months in the original country of resercher, and funded participation in mentoring workshops. The Secretariat will arrange for editing, publication and distribution of the report in a “work in progress” series. Application Procedure To apply for this fellowship program, candidates need to submit a complete research proposal. Proposed research projects should include sufficient details so that it can be judged for its merit and feasibility. The candidates can download the application form from our website as a MS Word document. Applications by e-mail are also accepted. The closing date for application submission is 30 November 2007. Selection Final selections will be made by the Advisory board. Programme Advisory Board Dr. Carmen Abubakar Institute of Islamic Studies, University of the Philippines, Diliman, Q.C. Metro Manila, Philippines. Dr. Azyumardi Azra Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN), Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Indonesia. Dr. Suzaina Kadir Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore, Singapore M. Abdus Sabur Asian Muslim Action Network & Asian Resource Foundation, Bangkok, Thailand Dr. Chaiwat Satha-Anand Faculty of Political Science, Thammasat University, Bangkok, Thailand Dr. Alan Feinstein The Rockefeller Foundation, Bangkok, Thailand Dr. Shamsul A.B. Institute of Malay World and Civilization (ATMA) Universiti Kebangsaan, Malaysia Program Management The fellowship program is managed by the AMAN secretariat, which is housed at the Asian Resource Foundation (ARF) in Bangkok, Thailand. AMAN was established in 1990 with the goal of building understanding and solidarity among Muslims and with other faith communities in Asia towards people`s empowerment, human rights, justice and peace. AMAN`s Council consists of eleven members representing various Asian countries, with Dr. Asghar Ali Engineer of the center for study of society and secularism, India as chairman. Financial support to the fellowship program is provided by the Rockefeller Foundation, Southeast Asia Regional Office Bangkok, Thailand.

Dwi Rubiyanti Kholifah - Program Coordinator
Contact Address
Islam in Southeast Asia: A View from Within
Research Fellowship Programme
House 1562/113, Soi 1/1
Mooban Pibul, Pracharaj Road,
Bangkok 10800, Thailand
Tel: 66-2-9130196,
Fax: 66-2-9130197
E-mail: [email protected]

[Denmark] PhD Visiting Scholarships at SPIRIT- Aalborg University

Posted by Aceh-Online On January - 7 - 2009

Up to three visiting scholarships are available at the Doctoral School SPIRIT, Aalborg University, in the Fall 2007. The application deadline is 15 May 2006. Duration of scholarship: 15 August-15 December 2007. Monthly stipend: DKK 7,000 (to cover rent and other living expenses during the stay). In addition to this SPIRIT will cover one round-trip ticket. Who can apply: PhD candidates who are enrolled in a PhD program outside Denmark and whose PhD project falls within one or more of the thematic areas of the doctoral school:

Transnational orders reconstructed, focusing on the nature and origins of processes of internationalisation and globalisation, including the relationship between ‘the west and the rest’, cultural exchange through history, securitization, and alternative futures for ‘developing’ countries.
Interregional transformations, focusing on both macro-regional processes such as integration within the EU and NAFTA, and sub-national regionalism as processes related to identity, governance, and economic development strategies.

Global and local identities, focusing on conceptual and empirical studies of globalisation as a complex and conflict-ridden process, and on modern and contemporary challenges to existing socio-economic relations, political actors, entrenched identities and everyday life which are posed by new conceptions of gender, nation, class, and ethnicity.
Managing interculturalism, focusing on the challenges to private firms and public policy posed by the increasingly transnational nature of production of goods and services, international migration, and the increased cultural creolisation of consumption in large parts of the world, from everyday household goods to exotic tourism experiences.
Applicants must be enrolled in a PhD program and the stay at SPIRIT should be an integral part of their PhD studies.

Practical information
Travel to and from Aalborg as well as a monthly subsistence allowance of DKK 7,000 (approx. EUR 938/US$ 1,270) are covered. Visiting doctoral candidates will be provided with desk space, a personal computer with internet access and access to the Aalborg University Library. In addition PhD candidates will be allocated a personal supervisor during their stay at SPIRIT.

SPIRIT will assist visiting PhD candidates in finding accommodation in Aalborg. Furthermore, Danish language classes are available at Aalborg University free of charge for those interested.

Application Procedure
Applicants are required to fill in the application form and enclose the following documents:

A letter motivating the choice of SPIRIT as a suitable place to carry out your research.
Specification of the topic of your PhD project (max. 5 pages).
An outline of the work which you propose to undertake while based at SPIRIT. Please note that the work must be an integral part of the PhD project (max. 2 pages)
Research experience, number of years of full-time PhD research, and expected date of award of doctorate.
Documentation of enrollment in a PhD program
Supervisor reference(s) (must state that the stay is recognized as an integral part of your PhD project)
Application Deadline: May 15, 2007 – at noon (GMT) at the latest.

Applicants will be notified of the selection committee’s decision by email no later than June 22, 2007.

Please send your application (preferably via email in one PDF file. References may be sent separately by email, fax or ordinary mail) to:
Ms Julie Skibsted Larsen
(julie (at)

Aalborg University
Fibigerstraede 2
9220 Aalborg East
Fax: +45-9635-0044
Please visit SPIRIT’s homepage for further information:

[Italy] Summer Course in Mathematics, University of Perugia

Posted by Aceh-Online On January - 7 - 2009

In Summer 2007 graduate courses in mathematics will be organized under the sponsorship of the Consorzio per l’Alta Formazione in Matematica (CIAFM), and of the Ministery of University and Research (MUR), at the University of Perugia, Perugia (Italy); the courses will take place from July 30- August 31, 2007.

The courses are directed towards young graduates wishing to study mathematics at a graduate level.

The list of courses offered is attached. Each participant is required to choose two courses for a total of 10 hours a week of lectures in addition to problem sessions. Daily attendance is compulsory for participants. Although written tests will be given by the lecturers, no certification of proficiency will be issued.

Fifthteen SMI fellowships will be available to foreign participants to help cover their living expenses during the course. The fellowship holders will receive Euro 300 and will be paid lodging expenses in the Casa dello Studente. As a further contribution to the participants, text-books and lecture notes will be provided by the School.

In case extra funds will become available, a limited number of travel grants, partially covering travel expenses, might be awarded to foreign participants coming from foreign countries, who explicitly request them. Should travel grants become available, they will only be paid upon submission of original travel documents, and will never exceed Euro 600.

Applications should be sent by mail to the following address:

Polo Scientifico – CNR Edificio F
via Madonna del Piano
50019 Sesto Fiorentino (FI) – Italy

and should reach this address before May 21, 2007. A selection committee will meet shortly afterwards and all admitted foreign applicants will be notified of the result in due time. Applications should contain the titles of three courses the applicant would like to attend (in order of preference), a BRIEF CURRICULUM VITAE, and a DETAILED CURRICULUM STUDIORUM (including a certificate with the list of university courses taken and corresponding grades). Applicants are requested to state if their participation is conditioned by the allotment of a fellowship and/or travel grant. They should indicate very clearly the exact address to which all correspondence concerning the Summer Course should be mailed.

Information - Programs and further information can be found on the WEB page of SMI at the address:

or can be obtained by e-mail at the address:
[email protected]

Programs and further information can also be required by fax at n. +39-055-5225812 (please address the fax to: Scuola Matematica Interuniversitaria), or by mail at the following address:

Polo Scientifico – CNR Edificio F
via Madonna del Piano
50019 Sesto Fiorentino (FI) – Italy

Official announcement:

[Croatia] Global Integration of Graduate Programmes

Posted by Aceh-Online On January - 7 - 2009

Global Integration for Graduate Programmes (GIGP) conference is different to the usual conference in that it is not aimed at particular subject area or group of people. It is our view that the globalisation of world affairs (economic, political and social) is spreading to education. Mobility of students is now common and the liberalisation of world markets allows all nationalities to work in different geographical areas.

There is thus a need for stands and measures of Education to be agreed. This is the aim of the Bologna Process and also the aim of our conferences. It is our intention to gather together people from all levels of education – Ministers, Rectors, Deans and academics to discuss all issues involved in this process. In our view, it is the discussion and the networking that is important and it is not therefore obligatory for delegates to present papers. We prefer to select key issues such as Quality or ECTS to focus discussions.

The conference is hosted this year by the University of Split, Croatia. Educational experts from Croatia, Macedonia, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan, Russia, Ukraine, Italy, Spain, France, Germany, Greece, UK and other countries will attend. It will discuss general issues involved in designing and running graduate programmes with institutions from different countries including accreditation and quality assurance.

Conference Themes
All issues involved in successful implementation of international partnerships are important to this conference. It has been decided to look at these from four levels:


  • The European Level
  • The Ministry of Education
  • The University Level
  • The Programme Level

Conference Fees
The standard conference fee will be £250 but there is a 50% discount for participants from TEMPUS-CARDS, TEMPUS-MEDA, and TEMPUS-TACIS countries.
The conference fee for accompanying persons who are attending the conference is 100 euro.

Deadline: June 15th, 2007

Open to: all interested

more info mailto : [email protected] or visit The Official Website

[USA] Asia Pacific Leadership Program Fellowship 2009-2010

Posted by Aceh-Online On January - 7 - 2009

Fellowships for 2009-2010 Asia Pacific Leadership Program

New Fellowships Available

The East-West Center is pleased to announce new fellowships for the Asia Pacific Leadership Program for 2009-10. Entering its eight year, the Asia Pacific Leadership Program (APLP) is the center of excellence for leadership education in the Asia Pacific region. The APLP is a graduate certificate program combining the development of regional expertise with the enhancement of individual leadership capacity. Based at the East-West Center in Honolulu, Hawaii, the program has created a network of dynamic leaders in 48 countries who are helping to build a peaceful, prosperous and just Asia Pacific community. All participants receive an APLP Entrance Fellowship valued at approximately $15,000.


The Asia Pacific Leadership Program seeks outstanding individuals with proven leadership experience or high leadership potential from across the Asia Pacific region, North America and beyond. All participants have at least a Bachelors degree with the majority having graduate degrees as well. At least 20 countries are represented in each cohort. APLP Fellows come together from all walks of life, including areas as diverse as government, business, NGOs, health sciences, media, monastic orders, and education.

APLP participants will gain broad regional perspectives, become knowledgeable about the critical challenges facing the Asia Pacific region, and be trained to exercise leadership and promote cooperation. The APLP empowers leaders with the knowledge, skills, experiences, and supportive community needed to successfully navigate personal and regional change in the 21st century.

Recruitment for 2009-10 is open. Places are limited. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis.


Honolulu, Hawaii

Application Forms and Fellowships

For more information about the Asia Pacific Leadership Program, as well as application forms and fellowship opportunities, please visit our website at: or email: aplp[a-t]

The application deadline is December 1, 2008. Fellowships begin in August 2009.