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LICOS - Centre for Institutions and Economic Performance invites applications for two PhD scholarships and one post-doctoral fellowship. The positions are in the research programme on “Development and Food Policy”. One of the scholarships will be for research on the political economy of standards and regulation.

LICOS is a research centre of excellence at the University of Leuven, focusing on empirical analysis of institutional change and economic performance. The research at LICOS is organized around four main research themes, each under the auspices of a Research Director. (for more info:

PhD Program at the Faculty
The Faculty of Economics and Applied Economics of University of Leuven has an extensive Ph.D. program: about 160 researchers are currently pursuing a Ph.D in Applied Economics/Business studies or a PhD in Economics. The typical path takes 4 years, with the first and second year typically including important course work in advanced economics. (for more info

Selection Criteria

  • University degree in economics, agricultural economics or a form of applied economics, preferable at Master level;
  • Strong analytic and technical capabilities in modern economic methods;
  • Capability in statistical and econometric methods;
  • Interest in developing collaborative research within the research projects at LICOS;
  • Fluency in spoken and written English.

How to Apply
Applications should include a CV with details on academic performance as well as the name and address of referees. Applications must reach us no later than August 31, 2007 at [email protected]

Application has to be received by 31. August 2007.

Visit Official Website

3 Responses to “[Belgium] PhD Scholarships and Postdoctoral Fellowship at Centre for Institutions and Economic Performance, Catholic University of Leuven”

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